About me

Thursday, July 24, 2014

3 months sugar free and counting

I love that when I'm not eating sugar, I don't crave it. I can't even count on both hands how many times I've had the opportunity to have dessert or cake or lollies and I've turned them down every time. I'm so proud of myself. As I know as soon as one taste reaches my lips it's all over. I won't be able to resist. So it's good to have a line drawn in the sand.

My weight isn't dropping much. But I did win the 'biggest loser' at my work place last term - yeah!!!

I'd love to get down a further 3kg before summer but so long as I don't gain, I'll be happy. I'm very happy that I've found out how to eat best for my body. Avoiding wheat, potatoes etc... most of the time and processed sugars. Eating lots of fat, meat, cheese, veges and some fruit. It's working for me and I'm feeling good. Plus I haven't been really sick this winter. Coincidence? I think not.

I do have a bit of an addiction to almonds :-)
How are you doing?
ZG xx