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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 22 ~ Cruise PV

Aren't my shoes pretty!
The weather isn't looking so great this week - stink! So I'll have to use the treadmill instead of pounding the pavement. I also want to use my dumbells to do a bit of arm work, and while I'm at it, do some ab work to tone up my tummy after baby 2.

Feeling a little hungry again today. Good thing it's shopping day tomorrow, time to stock up on more protein. I'm pleased to report though most of my cravings from a week or so ago have gone. It's just hunger I feel now.

Oh and two exciting things: 1. I can fit my rings again. 2. I fitted into my pre-preggy jeans (they are tight but they are on), now I just need to get into my pre-pre-preggy jeans (before baby 1). That will be a pretty awesome day.



  1. You're doing so well. I'm proud of you.
    Happy walking this week. We'll have to motivate each other :)

  2. Love your shoes! :)

    And congrats about fitting into your jeans & rings again -- it must feel so great! :)
