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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 33 ~ Cruise PV

Oops it's been a few days since I've posted. I've had a rather busy week! I have managed to stick with the diet though, so am feeling very proud. I even baked a yummy cake on Tuesday that I couldn't eat for a meeting.

Little Miss 5 months has been waking lots in the night and I've been absolutely exhausted, so brain has turned to slush. When I get this tired I have a constant headache and that's no fun. But in spite of that, I've also done some exercise and am feeling happy and like I'm on my way towards being fit again. I can't wait.

I wonder if it's actually possible to tone a flabby baby tummy to be tight again?

Have been reading a lot about Tosca Reno's 'eating clean' lifestyle and it makes a lot of sense and something I'd like to do after I've finished Dukaning. It sounds like a good way to live life and to bring up my family. The last thing I want is for my kids to have a messed up view of eating and dieting. Already Mr 3 is asking why mummy is eating different to him.

Just over a week til we're off on a holiday to my Aunties Bach, with our best friends and their two kidlets. Can't wait! Will be interesting to see how I cope with food there. I will be onto week 7 of this way of eating so hopefully it's engrained enough by now.

House to do ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about that issue, too -- how I'm going to eat once I'm finished with Consolidation. On the one hand, I'd like to maintain my weight loss, but I don't want to continue cooking two different meals (one for me, and another for my husband & son) for the rest of my life... :)
