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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bounce bounce bounce

It's been over a month and I'm just bouncing around the same weight... very frustrating. My husband keeps reminding me that I've just started a weight lifting programme and my C25k.... but STILL. I want to see more loss on the scales :-) do I sound like an immature kid yet?

Fortunately I have matured when it comes to my diet. I'm not going back to my old ways EVER. Sure I occasionally cheat with one home made biscuit or a bowl of muesli (my fave cheat) but I haven't had bread/potato/highly processed white carbs in over half a year. I'll keep at this, even if this is as good as it gets. I don't want to be that fat unhappy person again.

I got the stitch while running today... I managed to run through it but I am very curious if anyone has any idea what causes it, so I can avoid it in future. Maybe it's just because I'm unfit?



  1. I'm not sure if this is right but I have heard that you get stitches from not breathing deeply. Something about not getting enough air, so if you get one you should should focus on taking long deep breaths to get rid of it.
    Also as a side note, I have been running on and off for around 5 years (had to stop for baby:) and never lost any weight from it. On the contrary, if I would stop for a week or more then I might thin out a bit. Not sure if it is because of water retention or lactic acid build up.

    1. I had heard about breathing deeply too, so I actually tried that when I was running yesterday and it just hurt more :-( I'm going to try not eating for a few hours before my run tomorrow.
      Yeah I'm not running to lose weight. I've actually lost most of my weight with NO exercise at all. Running now is for me to get fit and I've just always wanted to be a runner!!
      Hope your week is going well! x

  2. Hey you....are you drinking all your water? Could this be impacting anything for you? I haven't been drinking my water like a bonified bad girl and my body has started to retain water because of it.

    I'm so glad you are enjoying your new fitness programs though, I imagine you running and feeling free....keep it up! Hugs...

    1. (crawls in shame) I have been so bad with my water intake... I'll be better tomorrow. Promise!! xx

  3. Bouncing weight isn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as it isn't going up, that's what matters :)

    Keep us updated on your fitness progress! Did you take measurements before starting?

    1. Well my weight is bouncing up a little but not by much.
      I did not take measurements before I started (I KNOW I KNOW) but I will tomorrow!!! The reason I think is, I've taken my measurements before every diet and every diet (before Dukan) I failed at.... so I didn't want to make it about the measurements or fitness this time. It had to be about changing my life. But now I think you're right. I need to judge my changes on measurements not always the scales! Thanks

  4. Whatever you do don't stop! We all plateau and that is sure better than gaining weight :)

    1. You are so right! Plateauing is better than gaining!!!! Thanks

  5. Almost every dukan blog Ive read lately have reports of stagnation. You are not alone! I blame it on the weather;-) Things are bound to change soon enough. Good luck!
